Not used. Not used. Not used. Not enough memory to replace this sound. Not enough memory to complete clipboard operation. Not used. Not enough memory to convert clipboard. Error copying text to Clipboard. Sorry! Error playing sound. Please Import this sound again. This file is locked. Please use the “Save As…” command Not used. Not used. Not used. Not enough memory to create the Scene Preview. Old preview used instead. Not enough memory to print all scenes. Not used. Not used. Not enough Memory to create Scene BackGround. Not enough Memory to duplicate Scene preview. Not enough Memory to duplicate Scene BackGround. Not enough memory to Cut and Paste in this document. Not used. Not used. Not used. Not enough memory to use templates. Unable to open template file. Not used. Not used. Not used. Not used. Not used. Not enough memory to create a new document. Unable to load entire document. Can't create QuickTime™ object with sound only. Unable to load PICT file for Preview. Not enough memory to create PICT preview. Ignoring QuickTime™ Object because QuickTime™ is not installed. Not enough memory to play this sound. Error copying sound to Clipboard. Error pasting sound from Clipboard. Could not save file as Stationery. Not enough sound channels. Please reduce the number of simultaneous sounds. Invalid start and or stop times for export. Not enough space on disk to write file. Error writing file. Not enough memory to allocate BackGround PICT. Not enough memory to allocate BackGround Gradient. Error updating file reference in Action file. Couldn't open resource fork for new PICS file. Error replacing content for PICS file. Not enough memory to load PICS object into ram. Unable to open PICS file's resource fork. Unable to find frames in the PICS file. Not enough memory to create a new object. Error reading PICT file for replacing BitMap Object, using previous PICT. Failed at building PICT Object from script. Failed to find PICT in file for this object. Error reading PICT file. Not enough memory to allocate BitMap Object.